Wednesday, February 27, 2019


MCA has introduced on 21st February, 2019, Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2019. These rules shall come into force from 25thFebruary, 2019.  A new Rule 25A inserted after Rule 25.

A New Form 22A (e-form Active) Introduced.


This is MCA’s new tool to identify active company and non-active company and enforce to vacate the office of disqualified members of Board and complete the pendency of filing to ROC


Every Company incorporated on or before 31st December, 2017 shall file Particular of Company, Directors, KMP’s, Auditors and Registered Office in e-form Active (i.e. e-form 22A) on or before 25.04.2019.

If Company has not filed its due Financial Statement (AOC-4) or Annual Return (MGT-7) or both with ROC. Such Company shall not allowfiling e-form ACTIVE. But those companies are under management dispute can file e-form 22A ACTIVE.

Therefore, Companies are required to complete its Annual Filing before filing of e-form Active (i.e. 22A) except management disputed Company.

If there is any management dispute and company has informed the same to ROC. In such case even without completion of Annual Filing (AOC-4 or MGT: 7) Companies are allowed to file e-form ACTIVE.

Exempted to file e-form 22A (e-form Active)

· Struck off Companies (Whether by ROC or sue motto)

· Companies under process of Strike off

· Companies under amalgamation

·Companies Incorporated after 31st December, 2017


Q.1 If a Company obtained status of ‘Dormant’ whether required to file e-form Active (22a)?

Ans.Only above mentioned 4 category Companies are exempted from filing of e-form Active. Therefore, one can opine that yes Dormant Companies are also required to file e-form Active.

As per Rule 25A, Every Company required to file this form with ROC till 25.04.2019. If Company fails to file this form then Company barred to file (INC-22, DIR-12, SH-7 or PAS-3).

In such Case whether before 25th April, 2019 and before filing of e-form 22A Company want to do any or all of below mentioned tasks whether Company is allowed to do:

          A.   Change of Registered office of Company

          B.  Increase in Authorized Capital of Company

          C.  Appointment or Resignation of Directors / KMP

As per Rules Last date of Filing of Form 22A is 25th April, 2019. Therefore, If Company wants to alter anything in status of Company as mentioned above on or before 25th April, 2019 “allowed”.

Restriction on Company shall be applicable on 26th April, 2019 only in case Company fails to file e-form 22A.

Q.2 Whether LLP also required to file e-form 22A?

Ans.As per Language of Rule 25A “Every Company”, therefore, one can clearly opine that Only Companies are required to file this Form.

LLP are notrequired to file e-form 22A. They don’t require filing this form with ROC.

Q.3 What are information required to mentioned on Board of Company at Registered office?

Ans.  As per Section 12(3)(a), Every company shall-

Paint & Affix its Name (In Language of Locality)

Address of Registered Office (In Language of Locality)


A.    In case of any Company (Private / Public) having paid up share Capital of Rs. 50,000,000/- or more required to appoint Company Secretary. And mandatory need to file form. Otherwise such Company shall not allow filing e-form Active.

B.  If any director of Company is disqualified. Company required file e-form DIR-12 for their vacation as per Section 167. Otherwise such Company shall not allow filing e-form Active.

C. Company has to maintain proper registered office and have to affix proper Board at Registered office by mentioned information as per Section 12.

D. Company properly have to appoint CEO, CFO, CS, if Applicable on Company.

E.  Completion of Annual Filing I.e. AOC-4 / MGT-7 up to date till F.Y. ended 31.03.2018 is mandatory. Otherwise such Company shall not allow filing e-form Active.

Q.3 Consequences If Company fails to file e-form 22A till 25th April, 2019?

Ans.  There are two types of consequences:

1.   After 25th April, 2019 if any Company will file e-form 22A. Company have to pay Fees of Rs. 10,000/-.

2.   Status of Company in Master Data shall be changed as “Active- Non Compliant” w.e.f. 26th April, 2019.

3.   Barred of Filing of Forms: Once status of Company changes as ‘Active Non-Compliant” It will be restricted to file following below mentioned forms:

Sh-7 (Increase in Authorized Capital)

PAS-3 (Allotment of Shares)

DIR-12 (Appointment and Resignation of Director (Except Cessation)

INC-22 (Change in Registered Office)

INC-28 (For purpose of Amalgamation or de-merger)

4.   Action by ROC: Company shall be liable for action under Section 12(9). ROC may remove the name of Company from its record.


Initial Details required mentioning in e-form 22A:
1.   Name and Registered Office of Company
2.   Latitude & Longitude of (RO)
3.   Mail ID & OTP Verification
4.   OTP shall be generating to file e-form 22A.

5.   Address Proof of Registered Office.
6.   Photo of Registered Office
7.   Showing external building and
8.   Inside office also showing therein atleast one director/KMP who has affixed his/her DSC on e-form 22A.

9.   Details of DIRECTORS required being mention in e-form 22A.

Name of Director                               
Status of DIN


1.   Company has to ensure that DIN of Directors is Active. DIN are not De-activated due to non-filing of DIR-3KYC or Disqualified u/s 164(2)

2.   Details of AUDITORS (Statutory / Cost) required being mention in e-form 22A.

Name of Auditor/ Firm                       
Membership No.

3.   Period of Account for which appointed

4.   Information about KMP:

5.   Details of MD/CEO/ WTD (DIN/ PAN, Name, Designation)

6.   Details of Company Secretary

7.   Details of CFO

8.   One more important Information:

SRN of AOC-4 and MGT-7 filed for Financial Year 2017-18

DISCLAIMER: The information given in this document has been made on the basis of the provisions stated in the Notification. It is based on the analysis and interpretation of applicable laws as on date. Under no circumstances whatsoever, the blogger shall be responsible for any loss, claim, liability, damage(s) resulting from the use, omission or inability to use the information provided in the document. 

Written By
CS Diwakar Agrawal
Mob: +91-9911746549

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


The Societies Registration Act, 1860


The Societies Registration Act, 1860 (‘Act’) provided for the registration of literary, scientific and charitable societies. The Act was a central legislation. Also, as per the societies registered in the respective states have to follow the law governing in that state.

OBJECT: The object of this Act, as given in its preamble, was to make provisions for improving the legal conditions of societies established for the promotion of literature, science or the fine art, or for the diffusion of useful knowledge, the diffusion of political, educational or for charitable purposes.


1. Selection of unique name

2. Preparation of Memorandum of Association, Rules & Regulation

3. Prepare other documents such as

3.1. Cover letter requesting registration of society, by all founding member

3.2. Duly Certified copy of Resolution of registration of society

3.3. Declaration by the President of society

3.4. Id & Address proof of members

4. Filed the documents to the Registrar of Society

Some points that are to be kept in mind before the registration of the society which are as follows

1. Any seven or more persons associated for any scientific, literary or charitable purposes can apply for registration of society. No limit on a maximum number of persons is prescribed under the Society Registration Act.

2. Registration of society is undertaken by a basic document of Memorandum of understanding and Articles of Association with the specified rules and regulations. Such document consists of Name, occupation and address of all members and with the rights, power, duties and responsibilities of each member of the governing body.

3. The Memorandum of Association must mention the following items:
  • Name of the society
  • Address of the registered officer
  • Name, addresses, designations, and occupations of the members of the society
  • Objective of the society

4. Societies are registered by the association of at least 7 members. Each designated person will be elected by-election for 3 years at once or as specified by the society document.

5. The objects and rules of the society are formed as per the Societies Act, and one shall contact the society of registrar to have more details towards the creation of bye-law (Memorandum of understanding and articles of association). Also, one can ask the Auditor, chartered Accountant, Lawyers, Attorney to help in the bye-law creation.

6. No stamp paper is required for society registration. The governing body manages the society.

7. As per the Societies Act, the Governing body meeting and Annual general meeting should be conducted. Even a foreigner can be a member of a society in India.

8. The purpose and object of the society shall be literary, scientific or charitable purpose.

9. After registration of society, one shall apply for pan card if required. each year the accounts have to be submitted to the Registrar of societies.

10. Willfully providing false information or return or refusing or neglecting to send audited income and expenditure statement and information are offenses which can lead to fines or penalties.

11. It should be noted that name of our society should not be kept identical to any other society’s name according to the Society Registration Act.

CS Diwakar Agrawal
Mob: +91-9911746549

Wednesday, February 13, 2019



Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of a nation's economy. Like any other major economy, India too enjoys its fair share of SMEs which constitute bulk of the industrial base, also contributing significantly to the exports and GDP. SME segment has been a key engine of growth, employment, wealth distribution and effective mobilization of resources (both capital and skills) in India.

The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 provided for facilitating the promotion and development and enhancing the competitiveness of MSMEs (commonly referred to as SMEs) and for the related matters. A big leap for SMEs was witnessed in 2010, with "The Prime Minister's Task Force" recommending setting up of dedicated stock exchange/ platform for SMEs. SEBI, through its circular dated May 18, 2010, laid down framework for setting up a stock exchange/ trading platform dedicated to SMEs.

As per Section 7 of MSMED Act, 2006 Classification of enterprises:

S. No.
Rendering Services
Micro Enterprise
Investment in equipment does not exceed Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakh)
Investment in plant and machinery does not exceed Rs. 25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Lakh Rupees)
Small Enterprise
Investment in equipment is more than Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakh) but does not exceed Rs. 2,00,00,000/- (Rupees Two Crore Rupees)
Investment in plant and machinery is more than Rs. 25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Five Lakh) but does not exceed Rs. 5,00,00,000/- (Rupees Five Crore Rupees)
Medium Enterprise
Investment in equipment is more than Rs. 2,00,00,000/- (Rupees Two Crore Rupees) but does not exceed Rs. 5,00,00,000/- (Rupees Five Crore Rupees)
Investment in plant and machinery is more than Rs. 5,00,00,000/- (Rupees Five Crore Rupees) but does not exceed Rs. 10,00,00,000/- (Rupees Ten crore)


The Central Government under section 9 of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (MSMEDA-2006) empowers to issue notification, programmers, guidelines and instructions for the promotion and development of the competitiveness of micro, small and medium enterprises.

Using the powers mentioned under section 9 of MSMEDA-2006 the ministry of micro, small and medium enterprise issued the notification S.O. 5622(E) dated 2nd November 2018, wherein all the companies dealing with such enterprises were required to fill return to Ministry of Corporate Affairs stating the following details:

1.       The Amount payments due; and
2.       The reason of the delay.

Here’s all that you need to know

Q.1 What is MSME FORM I return?
Ans. MSME Form I is the half yearly return to be filled by every specified company with the Registrar of companies. This return contains detail of all the outstanding payments to the micro and small for the goods and services supplied by them. All the payments which is due from more than 45 days needs to be reported under this return.

Q.2 Details to be covered under MSME form I?
Ans. Apart the basis details required of reporting entity, form MSME – I also required details related to:

(a) the total amount of payment due; and
(b) the reasons for the delay;
The above-mentioned detail is required to be provided in below tabular format.
Financial Year/Particulars
Name of suppliers
PAN of suppliers
Amount Due
Specify the date from 
which amount is due

Q.3 Due dates of MSME FORM I?
Ans. As per the specified companies (Furnishing of information about payment to micro and small enterprises supplier) order, 2019 following are the due dates for MSME Form I
1.   Initial return – with 30 days of publication of notification (i.e. 21st Feb 2019)
2.   Half Yearly Return
  •      Half yearly for the period April to September – 31st October
  •      Half yearly for the period October to March – 30th April

Q.4 Who is specified company for MSME FORM I?
Ans. All the companies will have to file MSME – 1 if following conditions are satisfied.
1.   Who get supplies of goods or services from Micro and Small Enterprises and
2.   Whose payments to Micro and Small Enterprises Suppliers exceed 45 days from the date of acceptance or the date of deemed acceptance of the goods or services.
Such companies will be called as specified companies.

Q.5 How to calculate 45 days for outstanding?
Ans. As per Explanation given under Sec 2(b) of The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006,the day of acceptance or the day of deemed acceptance has been explained as below.

(a) The day of the actual delivery of goods or the rendering of services; or

(b) where any objection is made in writing by the buyer regarding acceptance of goods or services within fifteen days from the day of the delivery of goods or the rendering of services, the day on which such objection is removed by the supplier;

where no objection is made in writing by the buyer regarding acceptance of goods or services within fifteen days from the day of the delivery of goods or the rendering of services, the day of the actual delivery of goods or the rendering of services;

Q.6 Penalties for non filing of MSME-I Form?
Ans. As per section 405(4) if the companies fail to comply with as order or knowing furnishes or statistics which is incorrect or incomplete in any material respect, the company will be punishable as given in below table.

In other words, non-filing of MSME –I form or giving incorrect or incomplete form in any material aspect, following penalties may be levied for MSME-I Form
on defaulting company

Extended up to Rs. 25000/-
Every officer who is in default
Minimum fine Rs. 25000/- which may extend to Rs. 300000/-
Imprisonment which may extended to 6 months.

DISCLAIMER: The information given in this document has been made on the basis of the provisions stated in the Notification. It is based on the analysis and interpretation of applicable laws as on date. Under no circumstances whatsoever, the blogger shall be responsible for any loss, claim, liability, damage(s) resulting from the use, omission or inability to use the information provided in the document. 

CS Diwakar Agrawal
PH: +91-9911746549